Open API

GET api/product/getallproductskus?top={top}&skip={skip}&SCproductID={SCproductID}&ProductCode={ProductCode}

This Method will returns complete list of skus
Define these parameters in the Http Request Header:
Content-Type : application/json
Authorization : Bearer AccessToken

Response Information
  • Nametop
  • Descriptionno of rows to be return, Default will be 100
  • Additional Information

    Define this parameter in the Http Request Header

  • Nameskip
  • Descriptionno of rows to skip, Default will be 0
  • Additional Information

    Define this parameter in the Http Request Header

  • NameSCproductID
  • DescriptionPass SCProductID to filter SKUs based on SCProductID, Default will be Empty
  • Additional Information

    Define this parameter in the Http Request Header

  • NameProductCode
  • DescriptionPass ProductCode to filter SKUs based on Product Code, Default will be Empty
  • Additional Information

    Define this parameter in the Http Request Header

    "SCproductID": 1,
    "ProductCode": "sample string 2",
    "SupplierSKUCode": "sample string 3",
    "RetailerSKUCode": "sample string 4",
    "MSRP": 5.1,
    "MAP": 1.1,
    "CostPrice": 1.1,
    "SellingPrice": 1.1,
    "DiscountedPrice": 1.1,
    "Weight": 6.1,
    "Stock": 1,
    "SKUAvailableDate": "2025-03-11T07:40:13.2847737+00:00",
    "Description": "sample string 7",
    "ThumbnailImagePath": "sample string 8",
    "LargeImagePath": "sample string 9",
    "IsDefaultSKU": true,
    "Options": "sample string 11"
    "SCproductID": 1,
    "ProductCode": "sample string 2",
    "SupplierSKUCode": "sample string 3",
    "RetailerSKUCode": "sample string 4",
    "MSRP": 5.1,
    "MAP": 1.1,
    "CostPrice": 1.1,
    "SellingPrice": 1.1,
    "DiscountedPrice": 1.1,
    "Weight": 6.1,
    "Stock": 1,
    "SKUAvailableDate": "2025-03-11T07:40:13.2847737+00:00",
    "Description": "sample string 7",
    "ThumbnailImagePath": "sample string 8",
    "LargeImagePath": "sample string 9",
    "IsDefaultSKU": true,
    "Options": "sample string 11"